Electronics Service & Training Centre, Ramnagar is the Nodal Agency for clusters under Revamped Scheme of Fund for Regeneration of Traditional Industries (SFURTI), Ministry MSME,GoI. Applications are invited in prescribed format from non-Government organizations (NGOs), institutions of the Central and State Governments and, semi-Government institutions, field functionaries of State and Central Govt, Panchayati Raj Institutions (PRIs) etc as Implementing Agencies for undertaking cluster development programmes under the Revamped Scheme of Fund for Regeneration of Traditional Industries (SFURTI) .
The Principal Director Electronics Service & Training Centre, Kaniya, Ramnagar, Distric-Nainital (Uttarakhand) PIN- 244715 .

1. The proposed Implementing Agency should have a minimum 3 years of relevant experience in related activities specific to the proposed cluster.

2. The turnover of the organization should be atleast Rs.25 lakhs per year

3.Performa For Implementing Agency (IA) ; Send to Electronics Service & Training Centre, Ramnagar

Empanelment of Technical Agency (TA) with ESTC Ramnagar for Implementation of SFURTI Scheme

Electronics Service & Training Centre, Ramnagar, Nainital, Uttarakhand invites Expression of Interest (EOI) For empanelment of Technical agency (TA) from National Level Institutions with proven expertise in Artesian & Small Enterprise Cluster Development to provide close hand holding & implementation support to the SFURTI Clusters including preparation of Comprehensive Detailed Project Report (DPR), Business Plan, Suitable Marketing Strategy, Assistance to Nodal & Implementing Agency in establishment of SFURTI cluster etc. Details of activities to be performed by TA are available in the website of Ministry of Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises (MSME), Govt. of India under revised guidelines of SFURTI Scheme & Proforma of Expression of Interest for empanelment of Technical Agency is available in the website : www.estcindia.com/sfurti.php Interested agencies may apply in soft copy with details of their credentials as per proforma through E-mail: pd_estc@estcindia.com on or before 30.06.2021 (Send hard copy within 15 days). Principal Director, Electronics Service & Training Centre, Ramnagar, Nainital, Uttarakhand-244715

Proforma of Expression of Interest for Empanelment of Technical Agency (TA) with Electronics Service & Training Centre, Ramnagar, Nainital, Uttarakhand (244715)

Contact us : Mr.Avijite Kakkar-9411329273, Mr. Kamlesh Padaliya- 9411308631, Email: pd_estc@estcindia.com